017 Formidable Over Forty: Overcoming Self-Criticism with Julia Bueno

Julia Bueno is a practising psychotherapist whose first book, The Brink of Being: Talking about Miscarriage, won the British Medical Association Popular Medicine Book Award 2021. Her newest book, Everyone’s A Critic, is focused on how we can learn to be kind to ourselves.

On this episode of the Formidable Over Forty podcast, host Sarah Pittendrigh unpacks the question of self-criticisms with Julia. They discuss how to recognise narcissists in your life and take back the power, why we need to redefine where we source self-worth, especially in a society that’s obsessed with growth and achievement, and how to identify the root of our self-criticisms to start overcoming them.

Formidable Over Forty. You’re never too old, and it’s never too late to design a life you love.


Julia’s website and books: https://www.juliabueno.co.uk/

Connect with Julia: www.linkedin.com/in/juliabueno/?originalSubdomain=uk