Audio Coaching

121 Executive Coach Packages with Sarah

Breakthrough audio coaching programme for CEOs and business owners

Audio Coaching Programme

My biggest breakthroughs and lightbulb moments have hit me when I have stepped away from my desk and headed for the countryside, either walking or on my horse, away from interruption.


I want to take you away from your desk and chat to you as if I am in the room with you, 121, in your place of comfort whether it is walking in the countryside, sat at home in your comfy clothes with a soothing candle or wherever it is that will allow you to be interrupted so that you can focus on YOU.


Think Podcast but with the extension of a coaching programme.


Firstly I will introduce myself by reading to you my background story and how and why I created my life changing methodology The I CAN Method™.


Then I will coach you through section two The I CAN Method™ 4 modules where the focus is on helping you to breakthrough any self-limiting beliefs and to set and create a plan to help you realise your most meaningful goals.

Fireside chat, with Sarah Pittendrigh

Bankrupt To Seven Figure Business Founder

“Like many others, life has thrown me some rather large curve balls, losing a  business of which I was a share holder and cancer to name but two…”


At 38, Sarah found herself a bankrupt single mum on income support, having lost a seven figure business in the recession of 2008. With her home about to be repossessed Sarah made a plan:


“I thought my life had ended when our business closed in 2008. With my home about to be repossessed and me and my son about to be thrown out, I had no choice but to act. I rethought the way I looked at everything and I redesigned my life. I took control at 40!”

Press play to hear Sarah’s incredible story from bankruptcy to a seven figure business portfolio.

Life is too short to stay stuck! You are never too old and it is never too late to realise your goals and ambitions.

Introducing The I CAN Method™


The I CAN Method™ is the result of many hours of scribbling spider charts at my dining room table where I was planning a way to break free from my self-limiting beliefs, build a growth mindset, get off income support and save my home from being repossessed.



Igniting the process, your opportunity to release the pressure valve and express how you are really feeling within a confidential environment. Reflect, Step back, look at the landscape. What is your why? Is there something holding you back? Ignite your purpose?



Together we will brainstorm using a SWOT analysis, completing one on you and one on your business/goal. I will offer thought provoking questions to encourage you to think on a deeper and broader level. We will identify your key strengths and areas where you need some support or outside assistance to realise your goal.



You will create a strategic plan following a success ladder of small steps to help you deliver your desired goal in a timely manner and without causing overwhelm. The aim is for the small goals to bring the big goal to you!



Create a step by step accountability list to follow, so you can nurture the process, which includes nurturing your business/ goal, yourself and your own inner wellbeing to ensure you stay on track, in a position of strength.


I now share this powerful and yet straightforward method with CEOs and business owners to help them reclaim and realise their big ambitious goals, to get back into a “growth mindset” when pressure and expectation has chipped away at their confidence, passion and excitement and I would love to support you.

Working with Sarah Pittendrigh

Life & Business Mentoring

1:1 life and business coaching programmes to help you get unstuck and moving forward again in your business and life. Let’s turn I can’t into I can!

Inspirational Keynote Speaker

Needing an inspirational speaker for your next event? Take a look at what having me as your speaker could look like.

The I Can Method

Buy My Memoir & Breakthrough Journal

The ‘I Can’ Method has been published! Grab your life changing paperback, eBook or audio book online today!